e-Margaux Zeitgeist: Fly Away with Us!

Remember the strange great white sharks phenomenon? Well, the tide has turned, and this time it's considerably less surprising. As we've explained in the past, we track and analyze which travel stories, categories, pages and advertisements are being accessed at e-Margaux.com and e-Marginalia.com so that we can observe the trends and fluctuations in the global travel marketplace and continually improve our websites to meet our visitors needs and preferences. In recent weeks a soaring percentage of you are arriving at e-Margaux.com after searching for one of these terms (in order of popularity): airline airlines cheap ticket tickets cheap tickets air ticket airplane tickets air tickets flight ticket air travel airticket cheap flights What does this mean? Well, several things. The obvious answer is that the big search engines are helping travelers discover that our e-Margaux Flights booking engine is a great way to research and purchase airline tickets at great prices. Less obvious answers include:

  1. More and more travelers are recommending e-Margaux Flights to their friends. Thank you! Gracias! Merci!
  2. Loyal e-Margonauts prefer to make all of their travel arrangements through e-Margaux.com, a travel community they have discovered to be reliable, helpful and informative. (Hey, a little self-congratulations never hurt!)
  3. Our ongoing synchronization with Expedia.com rapidly dilated flight availability and slashed our rates. In other words, people are discovering that you can get the same amazing flight discounts from us that you can with the biggest, "baddest" travel merchant around. Why? Well, because we're partners now, that's why!

There are probably some other reasons that are eluding us, but we're just thrilled by the news. Thanks to all of you who've decided to make us your airline ticket resource.