e-Marginalia Hosts 7th Freestyle Open

Rare Orchid in Cherrapunji (Photo by Preeti Verma Lal)

What began in the autumn of 2003 as a one-time travel story contest has blossomed into a popular tradition. Travelers from around the world submit travel stories and photographs to be judged for the quarterly contest, and nine finalists are selected for publication. Current stories are available at e-Marginalia.com and will be featured for two months to determine the three most popular.

Each of the nine finalists offer unique and engaging perspectives on destinations as diverse as Taipei night markets, the peaks of Mont Blanc, Karoo National Park in South Africa and soggy Cherrapunji. Unlike the ersatz adventures cooked up by most of the slick travel publications vying for attention nowadays, these travel cognoscenti dish up first-hand accounts of what real, everyday travelers can expect to experience. Travelers just like you, except each of the finalists have the added gift of great storytelling ability (and often stunning photographic abilities too!)

Our travel editors have spent months getting these nine pieces selected, edited and ready for you to enjoy. We hope you'll read them all and pass word along to your friends. Thanks!