Mongolia Excavation Adventure


This summer, the Silkroad Foundation is teaming up with the Department of Archaeology at the Mongolian National University to sponsor excavation and survey in Arkhangai and Bulgan aimaqs, Mongolia. This is for serious diggers. The Silkroad Foundation website provides you with so much information about the Silk Road it’d leave you feeling like you’ve just taken a university course. It is a rare find. Here are some details about the upcoming dig direct from their website: Language: The official language of the seminar is English. Lectures by local Mongolian scholars will be translated. Dates/Sites: Part of the field season will be spent excavating at Tamaryn Ulaan Khoshuu, a Xiong-nu cemetery containing over 300 burials and a series of banked and ditched enclosures believed to date to the Xiong-nu era. The other part of the field season will be spent doing survey and test excavations of Bronze Age and later period sites and monuments. Session 1-July 20th-August 3rd, 2005 Session 2-August 4th-August 18th, 2005 Program Fee: A tax deductible donation of $1000 for one session, or $1500 for both sessions. This donation does not include airfare, visas nor incidentals in Ulaan Bataar. We are currently investigating the possibility of a homestay with a Mongolian family upon arrival in Ulaan Bataar, but you should also considering budgeting for staying 2-3 days in a hotel in Ulaan Bataar. Schedule: Survey and excavation will run 6 days a week once we are out in the field. The typical day will probably be as follows: 8:30 AM Everyone will going to their excavation or survey units. 12:30 PM Return to camp for lunch. 2:30 PM Everyone will go back out for survey and excavation. 6:30 PM Return to camp for the evening meal. For more information on this event visit The Silkroad Foundation website.