"Stitch" Digital Photos into Panoramas!
Do you ever find yourself wishing you owned a panoramic camera? Or that you'd brought your panoramic lens with you? Unfortunately I usually get that feeling when I'm standing on top of a mountain or looking out across the open plains, precisely at the picture perfect moment. Never when I'm standing in a camera store or browsing the latest cameras lenses. Fortunately there's a solution!
"AutoStitch is the world's first fully automatic 2D image stitcher. Capable of stitching full view panoramas without any user input whatsoever, Autostitch is a breakthrough technology for panoramic photography, VR and visualisation applications."
Too good to be true? Check out the amazing examples at the website. And you can ever try the free demo if you've got some digitals you've wanted to panorama-ize. And the best part? They claim it's not complicated at all.
"[I]t's incredibly simple to use! Just select a set of photos, and Autostitch does the rest: digital photos in, panoramas out."