What travel is on your horizon?

"Do you know where you want to travel to? What distant lands do you yearn to discover? What inspires you? What fills you with the excitement of the unknown?" (Sharing Travel Experiences)

Alex Fayle, the travel lifestyle columnist at Sharing Travel Experiences is urging readers to "Make 2010 a Travel More Year". His advice? Plan ("save the money, research the destination and book flights and accommodations"), but not too much. Too much planning and you might quash the adventure, flexibility and spontaneity, critical ingredients for a quality travel experience. Try to "let the delight of discovery happen while you’re actually at the destination..." Planning can also stand in the way of acting, of "actually going through with your plans and getting out of the house. Whether it’s across town to the local Science Museum or around the world to a completely foreign culture, until you actually step outside the house, all your dreams and plans mean nothing." And speaking of those "across town" destinations, Fayle reminds us not to overlook "what’s close to you. We can sometimes become blind to our own surroundings, but I’m certain there are many things you can do on day trips or even in a single afternoon right near you... So, while you dream of distant lands, remember that local delights exist as well."