Rick Steves

You know that feeling when someone takes the words right out of your mouth? This afternoon Gadling's Neil Woodburn did just that in his blog posting about travel titan, Rick Steves:
As a fellow traveler, Rick Steves is the type of guy I really hate. And when I say hate, I mean it in that jealous-of-another -person'’s-success type of hatred. I am in fact envious of Rick Steves. His $31 million travel empire churns out travel books, PBS shows, podcasts, and radio programs, —not to mention a travel agency which sent 8,000 people abroad last year. But churn, is perhaps too harsh of a word. Steves is passionate about travel and the work he produces reflects this philosophy. His successful Europe Through the Back Door guidebook series serves up inside scoops, off-the-beaten-path locations and folksy advice. It'’s certainly no Frommers. Take a moment to read more about this prolific traveler writer; soon you'll join me in hating him as well. [via Gadling]
Bingo! Woodburn's thoughts aren't far from my own. Although I've ranted on a couple of occasionsions about his "overly efficient" trips, etc. I'll concede that a recent e-Marginalia submission shifted my thinking a bit. The itinerary was ambitious and there was a prevailing "Do Europe!" theme to the routine, but it was actually a pretty enticing package, and the experience recounted by two of the travelers was engaging and inspiring. And then, of course, there's the incredibly successful travel empire he's built... Credit where credit is due: Kudos, Rick Steves!