Win a Trip with Nick Kristof

"You won't be practicing tourism, but journalism." So boasts New York Times Nicholas D. Kristof about his travel contest. This is from Win a Trip with Nick Kristof online brochure:
"Are you a student over the age of 18 at an American college? Are you open to a potentially life-transforming experience? Here's your once-in-a-lifetime chance to win an all-expenses-paid trip with Pulitzer Prize winner Nick Kristof, Op-Ed and TimesSelect columnist. You won't just be Nick's traveling companion - you'll also bring a fresh perspective to his reporting on the developing world."
Sounds enticing. If I were in college, trying to decide whether or not to take that resume-boosting summer internship, I'd find it pretty easy to chuck interviews in favor of a shot at adventure with Kristof of the NYTimes' nickle. Here's what Nick Kristof says he's looking for:
"I'm looking for a masochist. If your dream trip doesn't involve a five-star hotel in Rome or Bora-Bora, but a bedbug-infested mattress in a malarial jungle as hungry jackals yelp outside - then read on. Over the next month, I'll be holding a contest to find a university student to accompany me on a reporting trip to the developing world. I'm not sure where yet, and that will depend partly on what's in the news at the time. But to give you a sense of the kind of travel I'm thinking of, the possibilities include a jaunt through rural Burundi and Rwanda in central Africa, or an odyssey from the coast of Cameroon inland to the heart of the Central African Republic..."
What are you waiting for? Fill out the application form. And hurry, the deadline is April 20.