World66 - User Generated Travel Guide

We love the idea of "user generated" content, so you can imagine the excitement I felt when I stumbled across World66 today. It's an open content travel guide being created collaboratively by travelers all around the world. Sort of like a sexier, slicker WikiTravel. Here's how they explain their mission.
"Let's start with our credo:

We believe that travelers are the best source of travel information.

That is why we have setup World66, an open content travel guide, where people from all over the planet can write about the places they love, the hotels they stayed in, the restaurants that have eaten. Every part of the travel guide can be edited directly, just click the [edit] button and go ahead. You can change the info you find, do a write up, add a complete city or just a bar or a restaurant.

Does this work? We think it does. Thanks to this approach has become one of the most complete travel resources on the internet, with 74,799 articles on 17,084 destinations all over the world. Good info, more up to date than you find in travel books. Check for yourself. And should you find some wrong info, a hotel that has closed down, whatever, don't complain, but act. You can change it. It's up to you."