Women's Travel

e-Marginalia Market

Visit the e-Marginalia Market for all your meandering needs!

e-Marginalia Market

Caroline Casey: Beyond Limits

Adventure as a concept is too often relegated to the realm of make believe, of epic wanderers, of exotic locales and death-defying incidents. To be sure, adventure -- festooned in all of its children's book glory -- includes these colorful illustrations. But it also includes much, much more.

Adventure is a choice and a world view and a lifestyle. Adventure is a paradigm through which all decisions, all hopes, all fears, all ambitions and failures and risks and victories are transformed into vibrant opportunities. Adventure is a daily attack against sleep walking. Adventure is choosing to be totally 100% alive!

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"Girls Gone Mild" - Maureen Dowd Spring Break

A pool at the Fiesta Americana Grand Aqua in Cancún. [Photo Copyright Chris Ramirez for The New York Times] New York Times reporter, Maureen Dowd, takes her rye, often irreverent, mix of wit and humor on the road. Check out her Fiesta Americana Grand Aqua review, about a new, ostensibly chichi hotel in Cancun (though judging from the photos and review it appears less "exclusive-posh" and more "mega-resort-posh").
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