
Clever Pup cum Paris Flaneur

Galeries Lafayette Dome, by Hazel Smith (aka The Clever Pup)
Just like dominoes... I saw a boy, 9 or 10,  trip into a display of mannequins at Galeries Lafayette and bang, bang bang, bang, bang - all five plaster ladies toppled onto the floor; their arms and legs falling off in the process. The poor kid. In passing I whispered, "C'est OK", but he started to cry despite his age. He told his mum he was hurt, but it was just his pride. The day before, my minibus driver told me that the word "gendarmes" meant "people with arms". Now these mannequins were "gens pas d'armes"... (The Clever Pup)

An Ann Arborite in Paris

I often take to wandering the city [Paris] toute-seule and although I do tend to find some really neat things, or things that I really didn't expect to come across (especially in the 16th) I still think that this a city of meeting up with people, of being headed to somewhere where a group awaits you.

Paris Flânerie

It has been a wonderful Sunday, profitably spent achieving nothing in particular. I set off across the river with the vague image of lunch somewhere in the Marais...

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The Invention of Paris

The Invention of Paris
Eric Hazan's The Invention of Paris

When in Paris...

Photograph via

Scanning through old emails before dumping/archiving this morning...

Autoportrait à République

Autoportrait à République (Photograph via

Paris merchants by night

Paris merchant by night (Photograph by Dries Buytaert

Paris Step by Step: A Romantic Weekend in the 1st

Paris still holds sway over the romantic. I was invited to the wedding of a giggling couple who flew in, dined on the Champs Elysses, proposed on a bateau mouche, and were now sipping champagne before the Eiffel Tower (flashing its illuminations every hour). And this wasn’t even spring – it was midwinter

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